
Sirens1 Sirens2 Sirens3 habitat0 wasserzeichen1 WG-Lahnstr
Horizontal Heights 2023 (Exhibition, part I), at the foyer of the Städtische Gallery, Bremen
"Sirens", site-specific installation, mixed media, water/"Habitat", found bike/ "Watermark", dichroic glass/ "42min Exhibition", audio installation

Photos: Franziska von den Driesch, Effrosyni

Horizontal Heights is a solo exhibition that emerged from various works and site specific interventions at the Städtische Galerie Bremen following the 43. Bremer Advancement Award for Fine Art 2019. In dialogue with Lukas Zerbsts parallel exhibition (Out of Body Experience), we search for common areas of site-specificity and address "...a recognition, occupation, dispossession and appropriation of spaces...". My part occupies the foyer and the small gallery space and interprets the physical and conceptual transitions of entrances and exits.